Tuesday 18 June 2013


This morning, when I hauled myself out of my bed, I did not envision myself spending my afternoon in A&E. But, none the less, that is what happened.

I wanted to write an article on expectations, partially due to my second Duke of Edinburgh expedition this past weekend, after it went better than I expected it would, but I wanted to write this mostly because of today’s lovely experience.

You would expect that school staff would be prepared to deal with any fairly common injuries within schools, and know how to best treat them. However, today I found this is not the case.

 I was bitten by a tick, almost definitely on the school field, and found it buried in my arm this lunch time. I went to reception, not really sure how to treat it. I showed them the bug, and was questioned as to whether it actually was a tick. It had legs on it; I’m pretty sure it was. I was then told to remove the tick myself with some used eyebrow tweezers. I definitely was not expecting this. In hindsight, I probably should have objected, but when a supposed figure of authority tells you to do something, you normally do it, even if the action is questionable. Well, I do anyway.

Once the tick was not-so-successfully removed, the reception staff then proceeded to debate on the quizzical topic of whether I should be given an antiseptic cream or antiseptic wipe. They decided on a wipe. I was then told to come back if there was any swelling. Cheers.

I left, not really convinced about my make-do treatment. I was expecting that the staff would know how to remove the tick properly, not just guess that tweezers were the best implement to use. But, on later closer inspection, I realised the head and pincers of the tick were still in the wound. A few texts with my mum later, I was back at reception, this time signing out to go to A&E to be treated properly.

I am angry and disappointed with myself for accepting the treatment when my gut was telling me something wasn't quite right, but I’m also less than satisfied with the staff after the whole ordeal. Like I said before, I really was not expecting to end up lying on a hospital bed enduring minor surgery when I woke up this morning. But I also expected the school staff to have dealt with the seemingly small problem a lot better than they did. It may just be me, and my mother, but I definitely think that staff responsible for treating students should know how to treat something that is actually relatively simple. I’m not expecting them to fix broken bones, but ticks are supposed to be easily treatable, with the correct equipment. But I now have a hole in my arm.

I realise this article has a very sarcastic and 'ranty' tone to it, but I felt something needed to be said.

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