Thursday 17 January 2013

“I Wish I’d Said This Instead Of That”

It’s something we all do; wish we’d said something else, or maybe nothing at all. One single sentence or even a solitary word can completely change the conversation, sometimes for good, but predominantly for bad.

There are so many examples I could use, but I think we all have ample situations to choose from and recall. For me, personally, I like to look up to Miranda Hart, a fantastic British comedian.

She’s written an autobiography type thing called ‘Is It Just Me?’ about how she blunders through life, wondering if anyone else goes through the same travesties as she does. One of the more prominent themes in mistakes she makes are what she says, and when.

And it’s not just her; it is definitely something we all do. Perhaps you were in the heat of a fiery argument and said something you instantly regretted? Or maybe you wish you’d worded something better?

But, to be honest, I’m glad I say stupid things all the time; I learn from them. Although I may not be so overly delighted at the time, I’m usually grateful later on, if a little embarrassed at my very own self. These experiences are one of the biggest lessons in life, in my opinion. I think they seriously help in day to day situations; from the two examples I stated before, the argument and the wording, both can be helped, or prevented.

I think if you remember the guilt and how bad you felt after saying something in a fight with anyone, you might be able to stop yourself from repeating your mistake. The same theory applies for the wording; remembering the remorse from previous incidents could prevent you from offending anyone with your unintentionally rubbish word choice.

So, do I wish I could go back in time and change certain things I’ve said or done?

Because there’s no point. The decisions you make when you’re younger affect you later on. Isn’t that the whole point? So I prefer to deal with consequences of my earlier choice of words, and learn from my feelings whilst dealing with consequences, to put to use in future potentially disastrous situations. Maybe I can teach other people my fantastic conversation saving skills.

I really doubt that though. I have no social skills. What so ever. I think I’d do them more damage than good.

I wasn't particularly happy with this entry but I needed to do something and I've spent over an hour on it and this is the best I could get from myself. Hopefully I shall regain my 'inspiration' soon.