Saturday 30 November 2013

A Trip to Edinburgh

My family and I seem to be pretty good at going on impromptu days out up and down the country. Today, we ended up in a very busy Edinburgh.

This was away from Princes Street, which is where the market was, so it was practically dead

Scottish Santa

The Scott Monument

Walking through the Christmas Market

You can't really see here, but there was literally a wall of people right the way down Princes Street

A man dressed up as Alien

A view of the market from the Monument

There was a small London Eye type thing next to the Monument, and an ice rink

A very high up ride in St Andrews Square

And finally, Christmas shopping in Jenners. Very sparkly.
It was a really nice day out overall, albeit rather cold. The Scott Monument was particularly blustery, but running up the steps trying to avoid people was good fun. I had to sit down for a while afterwards, though. The Christmas Market smelt and looked amazing, although we didn't get a chance to buy anything as we were swept along with the crowd, and it was a big crowd. Princes Street was manic; I was clinging onto my dad for dear life. It was like sardines, but with people.

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