Friday 29 March 2013

School Heating

Schools temperature is something that affects pretty much everyone; in the winter it’s always like walking into a freezer in many cases, the Science and Language rooms some of the main culprits.

But it’s at break and lunchtime that we suffer the most. We do have 2 wet rooms, but they are nearly always closed for a number of (rubbish) reasons. Even when it’s snowing, we’re still locked out, standing round outside slowly freezing over.

So, a few of us have resorted to hunting down radiators round school, sitting on or standing next to them as a source of more than welcome heat. We’re not the only ones with this idea, however, with a few other students hogging the better radiators. It’s like the Hunger Games, but not as vicious, I suppose. We’re like little limpets, clinging on to the radiators like our lives depend on it.

But even then, sometimes we get kicked off the radiators, for no apparent reason. There’s one radiator outside PTL which we can only sit on for a limited amount of time, as one teacher likes to have it for himself. Whenever he comes along, and there’s a few of us sat on it or standing next to it, we’re forced outside again. Rude.

It’s the same story with one of the best radiators, at the top of the stairs in the Language block. It’s really long and really hot, all the time. It’s like a Mecca for many Year 10 students, and for other students who have their form rooms in the language blocks. Unfortunately we often get kicked off this one too, for ‘loitering in the corridor’.

So then we meander outside, wait until the coast is clear and return to the radiator, or track another one down elsewhere in school. It’s sad, I know. Sometimes, we do put up with the bitter wind and stand shivering outside whilst staff hide themselves away with cups of tea and coffee.

But, in all seriousness, I think there should be two or three rooms for each year to go to when it’s cold, windy or rainy outside. I understand that some students take these rooms for granted and mess around, causing the rooms to get locked. If we were given these ‘safe havens’, I’m sure a lot of people would let a teacher know about these rascals, so they get kicked out and the innocent get to stay nice and dry and warm.

I think this could work, as there are plenty of students who would appreciate these rooms and would stay sat down at all times, talking politely with their friends and not shouting across the room. Just saying.

So please, either let us stick to radiators like glue, or give us rooms to sit in. Simples.