Sunday 3 March 2013

Work Experience Part 1

(The plan is that I’ll write this article on what I’m expecting to happen during next week and so on, and next Sunday, I’ll write about what happened, and whether it was as how I imagined.)

I’ve always known about work experience, and that I’ll have to do it at some point. Back in October, when we received the first letter about the whole scheme, I wasn’t really bothered; I still had 5 months or so. But those few months have flown by, and the 4th of March has really crept up on me.

Everyone always asks me why I chose to go to a pharmacy, and to be honest, I’m not quite sure. I think it was because I’ve always aspired to have a medical career, and as a 14 year old, I’m not going to go straight into theatre. This experience will hopefully give me some of the background information I might need, should I choose to explore the field of medicine.

I always overthink things, and worry about everything possible. So a new, almost foreign experience, like this, has got me frenzied. I’ve never had a Saturday job or a paper round or anything like that, so I don’t know what it’s going to be like, working with customers, serving them and taking prescriptions. I also have no idea how to work a till. I’m pretty sure they’ll give me a crash course, going through the basic essentials I’ll need to know. But I’ve never had to handle cash, and give out change before. So a big worry of mine right now is counting out the wrong change, or even charging the customers too much or too little.

I have been in to meet a few members of staff over the half term just gone. They seemed very friendly and helpful, and one lady seemed pretty sarcastic, which instantly ticked a few of my social boxes. The pharmacy moved just before Christmas, into a newly refurbished building on Gillingate, so it’s quite modern and fresh, which should hopefully make me more comfortable; if I was holed up in some stuffy old shop for the day, I can guarantee you I would hate it. Straight away.

But that’s another thing; I’m not there all that long. The times I’ve been given are 9:30 until 3:00, which is about an hour less than I am at school for, and then I have my hour off for lunch too.

So, in theory, next week should be a great experience for me, but I think it’s up to me to make that happen. If I were to stand round all day, doing the bare minimum, I would be bored off my butt. But if I throw myself into the tasks I am given and grasp the opportunity with both hands, the week should be great.

I suppose only time will tell, although no doubt I’ll be panicking as I walk in tomorrow!